Kelley Fox
Contact Kelley

With a diverse career spanning nearly three decades, I have dedicated the last 29 years to various roles within the legal sector. My journey in law began in 1994 as a paralegal at a small firm in Lake Forest, where I contributed for 22 years. Subsequently, my career took me to Milwaukee, Vernon Hills, Antioch, and back to Lake Forest in 2018, culminating in my role as the business manager for the largest Trust & Estates law firm in Lake County—a position I held until my retirement in October 2023.

Outside of my professional life, I’m navigating life as a single person after 39 years of marriage. I am close to my son and daughter, who both live nearby, and I cherish the time I spend with my three grandchildren. Retirement has allowed me to embrace my passions, including traveling and attending concerts. Recently, I ventured on a solo trip to Mexico. At home, I indulge in my love for cooking, particularly making my own pasta, and enjoy spending time reading and riding my motorcycle.

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