When you attend a funeral with military honors in the Kenosha area, take special notice of the men in uniform handling the Stars and Stripes and performing the rifle salute (3 shot volley). They are the Kenosha Area Vietnam Veterans (KAVV) Honor Guard.

Here are some interesting facts about KAVV:

1. They are an all-volunteer group. They get paid nothing.

2. They design and pay for their own uniforms

3. They attend 125 to 135 funerals per year, honoring those
who served.

If you or a loved one are a veteran and wish to have military honors, the best way to ensure this is to pre-plan today. It doesn’t cost anything to talk to us about your needs.

Estamos aquí para ayudarle en el proceso de atención al final de la vida.

Ron Nelson es nuestro experto en planificación previa, listo para ayudarle cuando usted lo esté.

Llame a Ron al 262-658-4101 o envíele un correo electrónico a [email protected].