Debunking Common Misconceptions About Preplanning Your Funeral: How Early Planning Can Provide Peace of Mind and Financial Benefits

When it comes to planning a funeral, many people are hesitant to take the steps necessary to preplan. This hesitation often stems from common misconceptions about the process. Understanding the truth behind these myths can help you make informed decisions that will ease the burden on your loved ones and ensure that your final wishes are honored. Here, we debunk the top five myths about preplanning your funeral.

Myth 1: Preplanning a Funeral Is Only for the Elderly


While it’s true many older adults consider preplanning their funerals, the reality is it’s a smart decision for people of any age. Life is unpredictable, and having a plan in place ensures your wishes are known and respected, no matter when you pass away. Preplanning isn’t about anticipating death; it’s about ensuring peace of mind for you and your family, knowing everything is taken care of.

Myth 2: Preplanning Is Too Expensive


One of the most significant benefits of preplanning your funeral is cost control. Preplanning consists of two parts: selecting the funeral services (and making your wishes known) and funding the choices you’ve made. Even if you’re unable to fund your future funeral plans, meeting with us to document your preferences will provide your family with much-needed peace of mind when it’s time to plan your funeral. Rather than facing the uncertainty and guesswork of last-minute decisions, your family can move forward knowing exactly how you’d like to be remembered.

If you’re in a position to fund these final wishes, our Advanced Planning Specialist, Ron Nelson, can help you create a funeral-specific insurance policy that increases in value over time—similar to an investment product—and helps offset any price increases due to inflation. Additionally, preplanning allows you to budget for your funeral gradually, making it more affordable than a last-minute arrangement, which often involves time constraints and may lead to overspending.

Myth 3: Preplanning Means I’m Giving Up Control


Preplanning your funeral actually gives you more control. It allows you to specify every detail, from the type of service you want to the music and readings. This ensures your funeral reflects your personal preferences and beliefs. Without preplanning, these decisions fall to your loved ones, who may not know your wishes or may disagree on what you would have wanted. Preplanning empowers you to make these choices yourself.

Myth 4: My Family Will Handle Everything When the Time Comes


While it’s comforting to think your family will be able to manage your funeral arrangements, the reality is grief can make decision-making difficult. During such an emotional time, your loved ones may feel overwhelmed and experience decision fatigue, simply by the number of choices they must make. Preplanning your funeral removes this burden, allowing your family to focus on supporting one another rather than concerning themselves with logistics.

Myth 5: I Don’t Need to Preplan Because I’m Leaving Everything in My Will


While a will is an important part of estate planning, it’s not the ideal place to outline your funeral wishes. Wills are typically not read until after the funeral, meaning your family may not see your instructions in time. Preplanning ensures your wishes are documented and readily accessible to those making the arrangements. It provides clear guidance, reducing the risk of misunderstandings or disputes.

The preplanning process is also the perfect time to determine who will be responsible for making decisions about the disposition of your remains and the details of your funeral service. This individual or group may be different from those you’ve designated as power of attorney (POA) or executor of your estate!


Preplanning your funeral is an act of love and consideration for your family. By dispelling these common myths, it’s clear preplanning offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, peace of mind, and the assurance your final wishes will be respected. Whether you’re young or old, preplanning is a thoughtful and responsible decision that will make a difficult time easier for those you leave behind. Take the first step today and discuss your options with our thoughtful staff at Piasecki Funeral Home.

We are here to help you through the process for your end-of-life care.

Ron Nelson is our preplanning expert ready to help you when you are.

Give Ron a call at 262-658-4101 or email Ron at [email protected]